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This page contains the information on the Content Development future plans. Information on individual work items will be located in a different folder.

Current Content Development Information - detailed roadmap information

Previous versions of Content Development Roadmaps and plans

  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Content roadmap Jul 2015_v1.6.pptx 2017-Apr-03 by Cathy Richardson
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Content roadmap July 2015_v1.5.pptx 2017-Apr-03 by Cathy Richardson
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Content roadmap July 2015_v1.3.pptx 2017-Apr-03 by Cathy Richardson
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Content roadmap July 2015_v1.0.pptx 2017-Apr-03 by Cathy Richardson
Microsoft Word 97 Document 20121023 - Content Development Plan.doc 2017-Apr-03 by Cathy Richardson