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14 March 2017: 2000-2100UTC


Discussion items (In draft)


1WelcomeCathy Richardson
  • Attendees list
  • New member Jostein Ven (Norway)


2Apologies/conflicts of interest
  • Apologies as noted
  • Conflicts
3Approval of minutes 
4Action ListCathy Richardson


5Member Forum update  
6Care plan conceptsMonica Harry 
7Work plan activity updates  
8April Meeting planningAll 
9Any other business 
  • Next meeting (Face to Face) 26 April 2017 13:30- 16:30 Local time

Meeting Files

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document 20170314_CMAG_draft minutes_v0.1.docx 2017-Mar-24 by Cathy Richardson
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Care Plan Representation.pptx 2017-Mar-08 by Monica Harry


DateRequested actionRequester(s)Response required by:Comments
 24 March 2017Review of March minutes 
  • Camilla Wiberg Danielsen  Please review the CMAG March 17 meeting minutes and advise any changes required. 
  • Daniel Karlsson    Please review the CMAG March 17 meeting minutes and advise any changes required. 
  • Elaine Wooler    Please review the CMAG March 17 meeting minutes and advise any changes required. 
  • Elze de Groot     Please review the CMAG March 17 meeting minutes and advise any changes required. 
  • John Fountain     Please review the CMAG March 17 meeting minutes and advise any changes required. 
  • Linda Parisien    Please review the CMAG March 17 meeting minutes and advise any changes required. 
  • Matt Cordell  Please review the CMAG March 17 meeting minutes and advise any changes required. 
  • Olivier Bodenreider  Please review the CMAG March 17 meeting minutes and advise any changes required. 
  • Lesley MacNeil  Please review the CMAG March 17 meeting minutes and advise any changes required. 

Previous Meetings

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1 Comment

  1. Hello Cathy, I am unable to attend the meeting of tonight. I did read/screened the care plan presentation. We agree with deprecating the suggested qualifier values and regime/therapies, because we do believe a care plan is a document. I would like to discuss the suggested modelling changes (like care location) internally with my team. It would be a good thing to share the record artifacts with other countries before more countries will do the same. We are not yet working on care plans related with Snomed CT, but I do think we already have some of those record artifacts in our extension, may be modelled in a different way (other parents, not hospital related). We made those for XDS metadata purposes (what document is exchanged).

    I will attend the meeting in London in April.