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NZULM and NZF data resources

The New Zealand Universal List of Medicines (NZULM) is the national drug dictionary that is being rolled out to both community and hospital medication management solutions. By entering in the provided password, we ask you to acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions to participate in the hackathon and to use these datasets.

Terms and conditions

  1. The datasets are not in the public domain and may not be used or retained beyond the hackathon.

  2. The datasets are unvalidated samples that are not warranted in any way and are intended for hackathon purposes only.

  3. The datasets may be used by registered hackathon participants only and not by any other person.

  4. The user may not distribute or adapt the datasets in any way except for the purposes of the hackathon.

  5. The user must not attempt to profit from or make any commercial gain from the datasets.

  6. The user will not permit any infringement of intellectual property rights attached to the datasets or their sources.
  7. All other software and knowhow created from the hackathon will be made freely available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

New Zealand Universal List of Medicines

The New Zealand Universal List of Medicines (NZULM) is the national drug dictionary that is being rolled out to both community and hospital medication management solutions. NZULM is based on the New Zealand Medicines Terminology - a SNOMED national extension - and includes safety information from the Medsafe SMARTI registered medicines database and funding information from the PHARMAC Pharmaceutical Schedule. Download the September 2016 release here You can find out more in the NZULM Getting Started Guide.

NZULM medicinal product concepts are being mapped to products in the SNOMED International Release. Here is the latest draft mapping in Excel and tab delimited formats: nzmt_snomed_product.xlsx and nzmt_snomed_product.txt. Participants are challenged to complete the mapping and to use the NZULM in My List of Medicines apps.

New Zealand Formulary

Based on NZULM, the New Zealand Formulary (NZF) is the national clinical decision support tool for medication management. Data from the first three chapters of the NZF is made available here, covering the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. An article about each medicinal product lists the indications, contraindications and cautions relating to that product. (An indication is a reason to prescribe a medicine to treat a given medical condition.)

NZF articles will eventually be mapped to disorder concepts in the SNOMED International Release. Here is a draft mapping in Excel and tab delimited formats: nzf_product_disorder.xlsx and nzf_product_disorder.txt. The mapping associates each medicine with the SNOMED disorder concepts that are listed as indications, contraindications or cautions for that medicine. 

See also the following table which simply associates each medicine with the article in which it appears: nzf_product.xlsx  and nzf_product.txt.