
Blog from November, 2020

The SNOMED CT Languages Project Group will be meeting again this week on Wednesday 2nd December at 20:00 UTC using this Zoom meeting link (password: 764978).

Please refer to 2020-12-02 - SLPG Meeting for the meeting agenda. 

Please note that this will be the last SLPG meeting for 2020. Meetings will resume on Wednesday 27th January 2021.

Kind regards, Linda.

The SNOMED CT Languages Project Group will be meeting again this week on Wednesday 18th November at 20:00 UTC using this Zoom meeting link (password: 764978).

Please refer to 2020-11-18 - SLPG Meeting for the meeting agenda. 

Kind regards, Linda.

The SNOMED CT Languages Project Group will be meeting again this week on Wednesday 4th November at 20:00 UTC using this Zoom meeting link (password: 764978).

Please refer to 2020-11-04 - SLPG Meeting for the meeting agenda.