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© 2024 International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation.  All rights reserved.  SNOMED CT® was originally created by the College of American Pathologists.

This document forms part of the SNOMED CT® Austria Extension release distributed by International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation, trading as SNOMED International, and is subject to the SNOMED CT® Affiliate License, details of which may be found at

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any kind of retrieval system, except by an Affiliate of SNOMED International in accordance with the SNOMED CT® Affiliate License. Any modification of this document (including without limitation the removal or modification of this notice) is prohibited without the express written permission of SNOMED International.

Any copy of this document that is not obtained directly from SNOMED International [or a Member of SNOMED International] is not controlled by SNOMED International, and may have been modified and may be out of date. Any recipient of this document who has received it by other means is encouraged to obtain a copy directly from SNOMED International [or a Member of SNOMED International. Details of the Members of SNOMED International may be found at].

Page At A Glance


SNOMED CT terminology provides a common language that enables a consistent way of indexing, storing, retrieving, and aggregating clinical data across specialties and sites of care.

The International Health Terminology Standards Development organisation (IHTSDO®), trading as SNOMED International, maintains the SNOMED CT technical design, the content architecture, the SNOMED CT content (includes the concepts table, the descriptions table, the relationships table, a history table, and ICD mappings), and related technical documentation.


This document provides a summarized description of the content changes included in the February 2023 Production release of the SNOMED Clinical Terms® Managed Service Austria Extension package.

It will also include technical notes detailing the known issues which have been identified (should any of these exist). These are content or technical issues where the root cause is understood, and the fix has been discussed and agreed, but has yet to be implemented.

This Austria Extension package is dependent upon, and should therefore be consumed in conjunction with the SNOMED CT® December 2022 International Edition release.


This document is written for the purpose described above and is not intended to provide details of the technical specifications for SNOMED CT or encompass every change made during the release.

Content Development Activity


Content from the SNOMED CT® December 2022 International Edition release has been incremented, using additional components for use in Austria. 

This extension contains concepts, relationships and reference sets for healthcare professionals. 

New and Updated Content

This release contains 0 newly added concepts. This release contains corrections and improvements of existing translations.

Updated content

This release contains 35 changed translated descriptions.

SemTagNumber of changed descriptions
(observable entity)9
(qualifier value)1
(social concept)2


IdFSNChanged description
45007003Low blood pressure (disorder)Blutniederdruck
45007003Low blood pressure (disorder)Niedriger Blutdruck
65476007Abnormal size (finding)Nicht im Normbereich liegende Größe
289083006Does not perform breast-feeding (finding)Stillen wird nicht durchgeführt
289083006Does not perform breast-feeding (finding)Stillt nicht
459053006Increased fetal nuchal thickness (finding)Verdickte Nackenfalte des Fetus
703117000Masculine gender (finding)Männliches Geschlecht
418138009Patient condition finding (finding)Zustand des Patienten
418138009Patient condition finding (finding)Zustand des Patienten / der Patientin
418138009Patient condition finding (finding)Zustand der Patientin
127362006Previous pregnancies (finding)Vorausgegangene Schwangerschaften
33769005Breast function (observable entity)Funktion der Brust
364363007Cardiotochogram feature (observable entity)CTG (Kardiotografie)-Merkmal
415945006Estimated core body temperature measured in sublingual space (observable entity)Sublingual gemessene Körperkerntemperatur
423484008Grade of edema (observable entity)Ödem-Stadium
161732006Gravida (observable entity)Gravida
161713000Last menstrual period - First day (observable entity)Letzte Menstruation - 1. Tag
3401000175105Total number of prenatal care visits (observable entity)Gesamtzahl der Vorsorgeuntersuchungen in der Schwangerschaft
161715007Usual duration of menstrual flow (observable entity)Gewöhnliche Dauer des Menstruationsflusses
161716008Usual length of menstrual cycle (observable entity)Gewöhnliche Dauer des Menstruationszyklus
309343006Physician (occupation)Ärztin
309343006Physician (occupation)Arzt
113076002Glucose tolerance test (procedure)OGTT - Oraler Glukosetoleranztest
171121004Human immunodeficiency virus screening (procedure)Screening auf Humanes Immundefizienzvirus
171121004Human immunodeficiency virus screening (procedure)Screening auf HIV (Humanes Immundefizienzvirus)
243085009Oral health education (procedure)Beratung zur Mundgesundheit
255604002Mild (qualifier value)Geringgradig
132751000119107Diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis vaccination given (situation)Diphtherie-Tetanus-Pertussis-Impfung verabreicht
416471007Family history of clinical finding (situation)Befund in der Familienanamnese
416471007Family history of clinical finding (situation)Familienanamnese einer klinisch relevanten Erscheinung
161743003History of stillbirth (situation)Totgeburt in der Anamnese
726565008Past history of small for gestational age baby (situation)Vorgeschichte einer Mangelgeburt
726565008Past history of small for gestational age baby (situation)Vorgeschichte einer SGA-Schwangerschaft
726565008Past history of small for gestational age baby (situation)Vorgeschichte einer SGA-Geburt
169220006Ultrasound obstetric scan requested (situation)Geburtshilfliche Ultraschalluntersuchung angefordert

Inactivated Content

This release contains 14 inactivated description.

SemTagNumber of changed descriptions
(observable entity)4


IdFSNInactivated translation
169746009Breastfeeding stopped (finding)Abgestillt
289083006Does not perform breast-feeding (finding)Kein Stillen
418138009Patient condition finding (finding)Zustand des Patienten/der Patientin
423484008Grade of edema (observable entity)Stadium des Lymphödems
3401000175105Total number of prenatal care visits (observable entity)Gesamtzahl der Schwangerschaftsvorsorgeuntersuchungen
161715007Usual duration of menstrual flow (observable entity)Gewöhnliche Dauer des Mentruationszyklus
161716008Usual length of menstrual cycle (observable entity)Gewöhnliche Dauer des Mentruationszyklus
171121004Human immunodeficiency virus screening (procedure)Screening auf HIV - Humanes Immundefizienzvirus
132751000119107Diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis vaccination given (situation)Zustand nach DPT-Impfung
132751000119107Diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis vaccination given (situation)DPT-Impfung verabreicht
416471007Family history of clinical finding (situation)Klinisch relevante Erscheinung in der Familienanamnese
726565008Past history of small for gestational age baby (situation)Mangelgeburt in der Anamnese
726565008Past history of small for gestational age baby (situation)SGA-Geburt in der Anamnese
169220006Ultrasound obstetric scan requested (situation)Anforderung einer geburtshilflichen Ultraschalluntersuchung

Technical notes

Known Issues

Known Issues are content or technical issues where the root cause is understood, and the resolution has been discussed and agreed but has yet to be implemented.  This can be due to a number of reasons, from lack of capacity within the current editing cycle, to the risk of impact to the stability of SNOMED CT if the fix were to be deployed at that stage in the Product lifecycle.  

For the SNOMED CT Managed Service - Austria Extension Release, the following Known Issues were identified, and agreed to be resolved in the next editing cycle:

Key Summary Description P

Technical notes

 No additional technical notes for this release.


Final Version






Nina SvecApproved

Download .pdf here:

Draft Amendment History







Andrew AtkinsonInitial draft created


Nina SvecFinal draft

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