Page tree

RefsetIDRefsetDescription (SV)Status in previous Release packageExpected status for upcoming ReleaseActual status when export from Refset tool
53351000052100urval deltagandetyper hälso- och sjukvård15 Active records in 20161130 releaseContent has been updated by Sweden for 20170531 ReleaseAs expected, Delta file contains updates (1 new record) for the 20170531 release
53361000052102urval deltagandetyper socialtjänst10 Active records in 20161130 releaseSweden expects this refset to remain static for the 20170531 ReleaseAs expected, Delta file is empty for the 20170531 release
46051000052106urval levnadsvanor

31 Active records,

25 Inactive records

Sweden expects this refset to remain static for the 20170531 ReleaseAs expected, Delta file is empty for the 20170531 release
53371000052106urval sambandstyper hälso- och sjukvård8 Active records in 20161130 releaseSweden expects this refset to remain static for the 20170531 ReleaseAs expected, Delta file is empty for the 20170531 release
53381000052108urval sambandstyper socialtjänst7 Active records in 20161130 releaseSweden expects this refset to remain static for the 20170531 ReleaseAs expected, Delta file is empty for the 20170531 release
53611000052108urval vårdkontaktstatus8 Active records in 20161130 releaseSweden expects this refset to remain static for the 20170531 ReleaseAs expected, Delta file is empty for the 20170531 release

urval ordinationsorsaker

(Reasons for prescription)

1533 Active records,

7 Inactive records

Sweden have requested this entire refset to be inactivated in the upcoming 20170531 Release - AAT requested Omid to do this on  

Omid inactivating content now... unable to release from the refset tool due to bug: RTT-229 - Getting issue details... STATUS

56421000052109urval aktivitetsstatusNot yet created

Sweden have requested this refset to be created in the upcoming 20170531 Release - AAT asked Omid to create the refset concepts on  

As expected, Delta file contains 3 new records for the 20170531 release

urval observationsstatus

Not yet created 

Sweden have requested this refset to be created in the upcoming 20170531 Release - AAT asked Omid to create the refset concepts on    

As expected, Delta file contains 3 new records for the 20170531 release
  • No labels