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Cancer Synoptic Reporting Working Group

The SNOMED International Cancer Synoptic Reporting Clinical Project Group has been established to review, elaborate, model, deploy and test expanded SNOMED CT content to serve the structured reporting of detailed anatomic pathology (AP) and molecular pathology (MP) data in the diagnosis, staging and treatment of cancer.  The scope of the effort includes all SNOMED International members with interest in standardizing their cancer treatment protocols.

Member Forum Microbiology Working Group

This group has been formed as a subgroup of the Member Forum, with the specific aim to document Member country requirements linked to microbiology in respect of SNOMED CT. The requirements should relate to the concepts (content) within SNOMED CT, and also any other requirements for derivative products, such as maps.

The group will provide a central point for discussion, and support for shared document development in respect of requirements, following clarity gained from joint discussion

Laboratory Data Management and Interoperation Working Group

Support of the information management cycle for the clinical laboratory requires interoperable terminology which will support the semantic requirements of the EHR data model for orderables, performables and resultables central to the clinical laboratory mission of responding to clinical requests for laboratory and pathology patient observation results. 

Laboratory Reporting Standards Working Group

The scope of this working group is to agree a set of core international editorial principles to help member countries developing pathology and laboratory medicine SNOMED CT content in the observable entity hierarchy represent their terminology and logical modelling consistently.
The scope of the working group is to collaborate with member country subject matter experts to address some of the main the challenges in representing laboratory test results in the SNOMED CT observable entity concept model that are common to the professional requirements.

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