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Date and time

2021-01-18 20.00 UTC


Discuss and make progress on these issues:

  • Scale observables
  • EG

Discussion items

See below.

1Welcome & apologies

Remember recording!

2Conflicts of interest

None stated

3Minutes from previous meetingDaniel Karlsson

4Scale Observables
  • Scale/score Observables for anesthesia and clinical medicine
  • The Anesthesia CRG has submitted a paper to the EAG describing some of the problems of SNOMED in relation to modling of assessment scales (see Modelling of Assessment Scales in SNOMED CT.docx)

5Observables Editorial Guide

A review of existing Editorial Guide for Observables is due. Some pages seem dated. Comments to pages are done in a Google Doc here


Templates for quality and process observables.

Particularly, the boundary between quality and process observables might need discussion (presentation). There is (at least) a potential for inconsistencies unless there are clear guidance on when to use quality and process patterns respectively as there 

Sarah Harry what about e.g. clotting time?


Comments from SNOMED staff to the EG Google Doc was discussed. Comments were added to the document. "PG agreement" as a comment in the document indicates that the project group agreed to the comment above.

6Target observables

The issue of representation of target observables has been raised again in a Jira ticket.

The question the group needs to answer is whether targets and observables need to be seperated or to be kept apart. In practice, is there a requirement to query for both observables and "settings" alternatively is there a risk in having targets and observations mixed up?

One solution would be to (minimally) add a primitive parent "setting observable" (or just "setting") to all targets, settings, parameters, etc. in the current observables hierarchy.


Suzanne Santamaria shared with the nutrition group, will share with Jim Case


Release of content postponed to July 2021.


If time permits, go through comments from Jim Case.

7Next meeting

Next meeting is 2021-02-08 20.00UTC (NOT ON THE 3RD MONDAY)


Meeting Files

  File Modified
PNG File serum.png 2021-Jan-14 by Daniel Karlsson
PNG File ser_plasma.png 2021-Jan-14 by Daniel Karlsson
PNG File rel_time.png 2021-Jan-14 by Daniel Karlsson
Microsoft Word Document References Modeling Assessment Scales in SNOMED CT v2.docx 2021-Jan-16 by James R. Campbell
PNG File process_output.png 2021-Jan-14 by Daniel Karlsson
Microsoft Word Document Observable_EG_comments.docx 2021-Jan-14 by Daniel Karlsson
Microsoft Word Document Modelling of Assessment Scales in SNOMED CT.docx 2021-Jan-16 by James R. Campbell
PNG File image2020-2-13_14-31-40.png 2021-Jan-14 by Daniel Karlsson
PNG File creatinine.png 2021-Jan-14 by Daniel Karlsson
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Clinical Scale Scores.pptx 2021-Jan-18 by James R. Campbell

Recordings Passcode: D.Cixt82

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