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Mental and Behavioural Health CRG


16 April 2018

Discussion items

1Mood disorder concepts
  • High level discussion of depressive and bipolar disorder concepts
  • Discussed relationship between |mood disorder of manic type| and |bipolar disorder|
  • Discussed need to clean up mixed episode concepts
  • Discussed issue of combinatorial explosion in mood disorder hierarchy due to extensive precoordination of concepts and missing concepts that prevent creating the concept using post coordination
    • Many specifiers (qualifiers) for mood disorders
    • SNOMED concepts for many but not all possible combinations
    • Concepts missing for many specifiers (qualifiers)
    • Consequenty, there is no way to express many of the fully specified ICD-10 and DSM-5 mood disorders using SNOMED
  • Discussed inconsistencies in fully specified names (FSNs) for mood disorders and need to standardize to reduce ambiguity
  • Piper Allyn Ranallo will rework mood disorder diagram for group review on
  • Piper Allyn Ranallo will do SNOMED / DSM5 gap analysis for bipolar and major depressive disorder for review on
2Anxiety concepts
  • Presented matrix for distinguishing between anxiety-related concepts
    • Anxiety
    • Worry
    • Fear
    • Phobia
    • Panic
  • Michael First and Piper Allyn Ranallo will convert the matrix to a diagram depicting how the matrix can be converted to concept definitions using the defining attributes identified in the matrix; for review on  

Meeting Files

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document Agenda 16 April 2018.docx 2018-Apr-27 by Piper Allyn Ranallo

Meeting Recording (GoogleDrive)

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