
Blog from April, 2016

IHTSDO is pleased to announce that due to popular demand the deadline for submissions for the SNOMED CT Expo 2016 program has been extended to Friday 20th May 2016.

Proposals for the SNOMED CT Expo 2016 program should focus on the following topics:

  • SNOMED CT Solutions
    The focus of presentations in this stream will be on exploring practical, first-hand experience in using SNOMED CT in clinical solutions. The implementers from the healthcare organisations, government agencies and commercial sector will share their lessons learnt and benefit realisation achievements.

  • Enhancing Clinical Practice with SNOMED CT 
    The presenters will share their experience in SNOMED CT application in the clinical settings, clinical research and innovation; aimed at enhancing the patient experience, clinical outcomes, reducing costs or improving efficiency of the clinical practices. This may include such areas as precision medicine, data analytics, decision support etc.    

  • SNOMED CT Development
    These presentations will cover experience and ideas on enhancing the SNOMED CT as a product in its own right, as well as in conjunction with other international standards, i.e. content development, mappings, description logic etc.

New Key Dates:

  • Friday 20th May (21:00 UTC) – Call for submissions closes (review by Program Committee begins)
  • Monday 20th June – Proposers informed whether their submissions have been accepted
  • Friday 8th July – Final abstracts required from presenters (for the Expo program)
  • Monday 19th September – Final date to submit electronic copies of posters and slide decks (for future publication after the event) 

Please see the Expo website for full details. 

If you require assistance please contact us by email at

IHTSDO Newsletter: Q1 2016

IHTSDO's Q1 2016 Newsletter is now available for download: 


The application period for Management Board positions is now open. Perhaps you know someone?

Information is available at:

The deadline for applications is Friday, 12 August 2016.

If you see any problems, please us know at

If you know of any good candidates, please let them know! 

The call for papers deadline for SNOMED CT Expo 2016 is quickly approaching, but there is still time to submit! Join the greatest minds in the world in Wellington, NZ on 27-28 October to share your knowledge and experience.

Submit your paper here.


This year's Expo is focusing on practical experience with SNOMED CT. We are looking for proposals for papers or posters that focus on:

Enhancing Clinical Practice with SNOMED CT: Application in clinical settings, clinical research and innovation. This may include such areas as precision medicine, data analytics, decision support etc.    

SNOMED CT Development: Enhancing SNOMED CT as a product in its own right, as well as in conjunction with other international standards, i.e. content development, mappings, description logic etc.

SNOMED CT Solutions: Lessons learnt and benefit realisation achievements from implementers (healthcare organisations, government agencies and the commercial sector).


For more information please see the Expo website:

Or email us:


We are pleased to announce the Hon. Dr. Jonathan Coleman, New Zealand's Minister of Health, will be presenting at SNOMED CT Expo 2016.

Dr. Jonathan Coleman

New Zealand is a charter member of IHTSDO (SNOMED CT's governing organization). Dr Coleman will discuss New Zealand's three year journey to establish a lifetime electronic health record that embraces SNOMED CT for clinical decision support, care coordination and precision medicine.

The international SNOMED CT Expo 2016 will bring together health IT professionals, clinicians, researchers and government representatives from across the world to the picturesque city of Wellington in New Zealand on 27-28.October 2016.

The Expo will showcase how use of the global language of health, SNOMED CT, benefits patients and healthcare professionals from improved health data interoperability, clinical decisions and analysis.

REMINDER: Call for papers closes on April 29th! There is still time to submit your paper for a chance to present in front of an international audience. 

We are also actively soliciting sponsors and exhibitors for the Expo.

For more information please visit the conference website: