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Maps intended for ongoing use often require a commitment of resources and tools and so can be quite costly to maintain.

Maintenance may be required whenever there is a change to the source or target code sets. Some terminologies are more dynamic than others, with a faster update cycle which can increase the maintenance burden - for example Medication releases can be monthly, whereas some classifications have only a two yearly cycle. The more dynamic the code sets, the greater the maintenance burden.

During maintenance, the following should be considered:

  • for new source codes, new map rows need to be created
  • for retired/removed source codes, map rows need to be removed
  • for retired/removed target codes of maps, map rows need to be updated to find suitable targets
  • for non-equivalent maps, map targets should be re-evaluated to check if there is a more suitable target

Maintenance can be non-trivial and consideration needs to be undertaken before beginning the mapping process on whether it is worthwhile developing, implementing and maintaining a map or whether a different implementation pathway is more appropriate.

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