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Microsoft Word Document 02.1 NCPT CPG February 2023 Minutes.docx 2023-Apr-05 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 SNOMED Reference Set Update-CPG.docx 2023-Apr-05 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 03.1 CRG -Projects.xlsx 2023-Apr-05 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 Reference Sets in Different Browsers.docx 2023-Feb-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 NCPT CPG Minutes-Dec 2022.docx 2023-Feb-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 05.1 CRG -Projects.xlsx 2023-Feb-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.2 SNOMED Jan 2023 Release Tracking Verification.xlsx 2023-Feb-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 Release Instructions.docx 2023-Feb-10 by Donna Pertel
PDF File 4.2 SNOMED BN - IDDSI Content V1.pdf 2022-Dec-14 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 NCPT CPG-SNOMED Minutes-Nov2022.docx 2022-Dec-12 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 NCPT CPG-SNOMED Reference Set Update.docx 2022-Dec-12 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 SNOMED International and the International Diet Dysphagia Standardisation Initiative.docx 2022-Dec-06 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 Minutes-NCPT CPG-September.docx 2022-Nov-01 by Donna Pertel
PDF File 03.3 EAG proposal to move Risk concepts-Nursingfeedback.pdf 2022-Nov-01 by Donna Pertel
PDF File 03.2 2022Ed-NDTerminologySheet.pdf 2022-Nov-01 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 At Risk Concepts.docx 2022-Nov-01 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 NCPT CPG-ReferenceSet Update.docx 2022-Nov-01 by Donna Pertel
PDF File 03.4 Response to Nursing CRG concerns about movement of “At risk” concepts to the Situation hierarchy.pdf 2022-Nov-01 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 03.7 MisalignedConcepts Modified diet.xlsx 2022-Sep-16 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 Pilot Nutrition Intervention Concept Modeling.docx 2022-Sep-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 03.5 MisalignedConcepts Nutrient intake observable.xlsx 2022-Sep-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.4 Template Compliance Summary.docx 2022-Sep-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 03.2 Pilot Test Modeling Tracking.xlsx 2022-Sep-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 NCPTCPG July 2022 Minutes.docx 2022-Sep-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.2 Nutrition CRG-Project list.xlsx 2022-Sep-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.1 JIRA -Projects.xlsx 2022-Sep-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 03.6 MisalignedConcepts Clinical finding (finding).xlsx 2022-Sep-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.2 SNOMED July 2022 Release Tracking.xlsx 2022-Jul-11 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 July 2022 Release Instructions.docx 2022-Jul-11 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 03.3 Pilot Test Modeling Tracking.xlsx 2022-Jun-30 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.2 Pilot Obese-Overweight-BMI Concepts.docx 2022-Jun-30 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 NCPT CPG Minutes-May 2022.docx 2022-Jun-30 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 Pilot Subq Fat Modeling-CPG.docx 2022-May-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 NCPT CPG Minutes-2022 April.docx 2022-May-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.2 Pilot Nutrition Intervention Concepts Modeling.docx 2022-May-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 Goal setting.docx 2022-Apr-04 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 NCPT CPG Minutes-2022 March.docx 2022-Mar-30 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 Pilot Subq Fat Modeling-Review-CPG.docx 2022-Mar-30 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 Goal Directed Therapy Brainstorming.docx 2022-Mar-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 NCPT CPG Meeting Minutes-Jan2022.docx 2022-Mar-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation NCPT CPG-Jan2022-Progress.pptx 2022-Feb-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 06.1 Pilot Nutrition Counseling Concept Modeling-goal setting.docx 2022-Feb-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 05.2 MisalignedConcepts Diets-Jan2022.xlsx 2022-Feb-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 05.1 MisalignedConcepts Nutrient intake-Feb2022.xlsx 2022-Feb-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.2 Pilot Test Modeling Tracking-Updated.xlsx 2022-Feb-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 Pilot NA Modeling-Review-PA.docx 2022-Feb-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 Jan 2022 NCPT CPG Meeting Minutes.docx 2022-Feb-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 06.1 January 2022 Release Instructions.docx 2022-Jan-03 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 05.1 SNOMED CPG-Sarcopenia.docx 2022-Jan-03 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.2 Pilot Test Modeling Tracking.xlsx 2022-Jan-03 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 Pilot Nutrition Assessment Concepts Modeling-PaleConjunctiva.docx 2022-Jan-03 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 Pilot Nutrition Counseling Concept Modeling-Social Support-Goal.docx 2022-Jan-03 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 Pilot Nutrition Counseling Concept Modeling-strategies.docx 2021-Dec-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 Pilot Nutrition Assessment Concepts Modeling-Review.docx 2021-Dec-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 20211115NCPTCPG MeetingMinutes.docx 2021-Nov-29 by Donna Pertel
PNG File SNOMED-Core Graphicwith NCPT.png 2021-Nov-03 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 NCPT-CPG-Sept 2021-Minutes.docx 2021-Oct-08 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.1 MisalignedConcepts_ObservableEntity 20210901.xlsx 2021-Sep-13 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 03.1 JIRA Nutrition projects.xlsx 2021-Sep-13 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 05.1 Pilot Nutrition Counseling Concept Modeling.docx 2021-Sep-13 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.3 MisalignedConcepts_ModSubDiet-20210901.xlsx 2021-Sep-13 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.2 MisalignedConcepts_Findings 20210901.xlsx 2021-Sep-13 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 Minutes August 2021 CPG Meeting.docx 2021-Sep-13 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 05.2 Pilot Test Modeling Tracking.xlsx 2021-Aug-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 05.1 RevisionofNutritionTherapy-SNOMEDhierachy.docx 2021-Aug-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 Inactivation of dietary intake finding.docx 2021-Aug-09 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 Minutes-July CPG.docx 2021-Aug-09 by Donna Pertel
PDF File Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and SI Collaboration Release_Jul 2021 FINAL.pdf 2021-Aug-04 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 05.1 NutritionTherapyRestructure.docx 2021-Jul-06 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 NCPTCPGMeeting May 2021 Minutes..docx 2021-Jul-06 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 July 2021 Release Instructions.docx 2021-Jul-06 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 Binging-May 2021.docx 2021-May-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 05.1 Draft-January 2022 Release Plan-May 2021.docx 2021-May-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.1 Pilot Test Modeling Tracking.xlsx 2021-Apr-27 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 CPG April Minutes.docx 2021-Apr-27 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation NCPT CPG-July2021-PlanandStatus.pptx 2021-Apr-19 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 06.1 Binging-April 2021.docx 2021-Apr-13 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 05.1 Nutrient requirement.docx 2021-Apr-13 by Donna Pertel
PDF File Miller K 2020 review of whole grain and dietary fiber recommendations and intake in different countries (002).pdf 2021-Apr-13 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 Template Compliance.docx 2021-Apr-13 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 July 2021 Release Update.docx 2021-Apr-13 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 NCPTCPG March 2021-Minutes.docx 2021-Apr-13 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation July2021Release-March2021status.pptx 2021-Mar-15 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 NCPTCPG-Feb2021 Minutes.docx 2021-Mar-03 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 05.1 Niacin concepts.docx 2021-Mar-03 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 06.1 ND Pilot Concept Modeling.docx 2021-Mar-03 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 06.2 Pilot Test Modeling Tracking.xlsx 2021-Mar-03 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 Jan2021 Minutes-CPG.docx 2021-Feb-08 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 06.1 Pilot Finding Concept Modeling.docx 2021-Feb-08 by Donna Pertel
PDF File CPG-Jan2021-Progress 31 July 2021 Release.pdf 2021-Jan-19 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.1 SNOMED-JIRA Projects.xlsx 2021-Jan-14 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 06.1 Able with difficulty.docx 2021-Jan-11 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 05.1 July 2021 Release.docx 2021-Jan-11 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.3 Early visability release notice.docx 2021-Jan-11 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.2 Editorial guide.docx 2021-Jan-11 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 Jan 2021 Release Instructions.docx 2021-Jan-11 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 Minutes-Dec2020 CPG.docx 2021-Jan-07 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 Diets-modeling-prophylaxis.docx 2020-Dec-07 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 Pilot Intervention Concept Modeling.docx 2020-Dec-07 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.2 Pilot Test Modeling Tracking-December2020.xlsx 2020-Dec-07 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 CPG-NovMeetingMinutes.docx 2020-Dec-07 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Pilot Test Modeling Tracking-November2020.xlsx 2020-Oct-30 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 20200921NCPTCPGMeeting-Minutes.docx 2020-Oct-30 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 06.1 Pilot Finding Concept Modeling-Sept2020-CPG.docx 2020-Sep-16 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 05.1 July2020SNOMEDReleaseAssignments-CPGVerified.xlsx 2020-Sep-16 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.3 Findings compliance report-September2020.xlsx 2020-Sep-16 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.2 Observables compliance report-September2020.xlsx 2020-Sep-16 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 Compliance- early template draft-Sept2020-CPG.docx 2020-Sep-16 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 06.2 Pilot Test Modeling Tracking-September2020.xlsx 2020-Aug-26 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 Minutes-NCP CPG-July 2020.docx 2020-Aug-26 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 June2020-CPG-Minutes.docx 2020-Jul-02 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 NutritionalAssessmentandAssessmentofNutritionalStatus-Updated.docx 2020-Jun-11 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 05.1 Terminology Pilot Modeling Review-InadeExcessive.docx 2020-Jun-11 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 03.2 Pilot Test Modeling Tracking-June2020.xlsx 2020-Jun-11 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 RevisedPilottest.docx 2020-Jun-11 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1-18May2020CPGMinutes.docx 2020-Jun-11 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 05.1 NutritionalAssessmentandAssessmentofNutritionalStatus.docx 2020-May-14 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 Synonyms discussion.docx 2020-May-14 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 Constipation.docx 2020-May-14 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.0 Minutes-April2020CPG.docx 2020-May-06 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 NutritionalAssessmentandAssessmentofNutritionalStatus.docx 2020-Apr-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 CPG Minutes-March 2020.docx 2020-Apr-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.3 Terminology Pilot Test Modeling Tracking-March2020.xlsx 2020-Mar-13 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.2 Terminology Pilot CombinedModeling-CPG-March2020.docx 2020-Mar-13 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1-2020-Pilottest-UpdatedRecommendations.docx 2020-Mar-13 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 Minutes-Feb2020-CPG.docx 2020-Mar-13 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 Minutes CPG 20Jan2020.docx 2020-Feb-12 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 05.2 Terminology Pilot Test Modeling Tracking-Feb20.xlsx 2020-Feb-12 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 05.1 Terminology Pilot Modeling-FebCPG.docx 2020-Feb-12 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 January 2020 Release Instructions.docx 2020-Jan-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 3.2 Terminology Pilot Test Modeling Tracking.xlsx 2020-Jan-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 Terminology Pilot Modeling-JanCPG.docx 2020-Jan-10 by Donna Pertel
PDF File 02.1 Minutes 16 December 2019.pdf 2020-Jan-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 3.1 Terminology Pilot Modeling Review-Dec CPG.docx 2019-Dec-12 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 3.2 Terminology Pilot Test Modeling Tracking-Dec 2019.xlsx 2019-Dec-12 by Donna Pertel
File 2.1 Minutes-CPG Nov 2019.mht 2019-Dec-12 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 3.1 Terminology Pilot Modeling Review.docx 2019-Nov-08 by Donna Pertel
File 2.1 NCPT CPG Meeting Sept 16 Minutes.mht 2019-Oct-30 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 Listof100TermPilottest.docx 2019-Sep-05 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.3 ModelingCriticalThinking.docx 2019-Sep-05 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.2 PilotTestProcess.docx 2019-Sep-05 by Donna Pertel
File 02.1 Minutes of 20190819 CPG mtg.mht 2019-Sep-05 by Donna Pertel
PNG File 5.2 b estimated carbohydrate-template2.png 2019-Aug-16 by Donna Pertel
PNG File 5.2 EstCarbIntakeTemplate-1.png 2019-Aug-14 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 7.1 FoodNutritionObservablesList-CPG.docx 2019-Jul-08 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document CPG Approval.docx 2019-Jun-12 by Lee Unangst
Microsoft Word 97 Document Workplan-Revision of nutrition content in SNOMED CT-2_CP_AV2.LK.CP.DP.CP-version0.6-clean.doc 2018-Sep-13 by Constantina Papoutsakis
Microsoft Word Document 2018 0419 WORKPLAN Revision of nutrition content in SNOMED CT2_CP_AV2_BS_LK.docx 2018-Apr-19 by Constantina Papoutsakis
Microsoft Word 97 Document Workplan-Revision of nutrition content in SNOMED CT-2_CP_AV2.LK..doc 2018-Apr-17 by Luise Persson Kopp
File Workplan-Revision of nutrition content in SNOMED CT-2_CP_AV2.odt 2018-Apr-17 by William Swan
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Proposed_SCT_INT_reorganization_04052018.xlsx 2018-Apr-14 by Constantina Papoutsakis
Microsoft Word 97 Document Workplan-Revision of nutrition content in SNOMED CT-2_CP_AV2.doc 2018-Apr-14 by Constantina Papoutsakis
Microsoft Word Document SNOMED-Definitions.docx These are the definitions requested during the second meeting. Any comments are appreciated. 2018-Feb-27 by Constantina Papoutsakis
Microsoft Word Document 2.3.0 20180118 02NCPTPG MINUTES SNOMED NCPT MTG 2.docx 2018-Feb-04 by Constantina Papoutsakis
Microsoft Word Document 2.2.0 20180118 AGENDA SNOMED NCPT MTG 2.docx 2018-Jan-15 by Constantina Papoutsakis
Microsoft Word Document 2.3.0 20171218 MINUTES SNOMED NCPT MTG 01.docx 2018-Jan-15 by Constantina Papoutsakis
Microsoft Word Document 2.6.0 Revision of nutrition content in SNOMED CT-2.docx 2018-Jan-15 by Constantina Papoutsakis
Microsoft Word Document 2.7.0 Proposed_Hierarchy.docx 2018-Jan-15 by Constantina Papoutsakis
PNG File image2018-1-12_11-33-46.png 2018-Jan-12 by Jim Case
PNG File image2018-1-12_11-32-44.png 2018-Jan-12 by Jim Case
Microsoft Word Document Proposed_Hierarchy.docx 2018-Jan-12 by Constantina Papoutsakis
Microsoft Word Document Revision of nutrition content in SNOMED CT.docx 2017-Dec-21 by Jim Case
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 4.0 US_terms_to_promote_sorted_20171115.xlsx 2017-Dec-18 by Constantina Papoutsakis
PDF File 5.0 Issue as posted by Jim Case on CONFLUENCE.pdf 2017-Dec-18 by Constantina Papoutsakis
Microsoft Word Document 2.0 20171218 Agenda SNOMED NCPT.docx 2017-Dec-18 by Constantina Papoutsakis

  • No labels


  1. This is the excel sheet that contains all US terms to promote to SNOMED International

  2. A draft document describing the background and modeling solution has been added to this page (Revision of nutrition content in SNOMED CT).  I would appreciate a review of the document by the project group and any comments on the approach.  

    1. A document w. input  from multiple contributors is now available here . 

  3. On the topic of “inadequate intake of nutrient X”:


    If an inadequate intake finding is due to inadequate intake and/or inadequate absorption and/or metabolism, does this necessitate separation these as term concepts when a disorder is not evident?


    I would hesitate to use the word 'assimilation' because based on interpreting the OED (Oxford dictionary) definition, this means absorption and does not include metabolism. 


    Also, I have added under documentation a proposed hierarchy

    Input/request on the document you posted earlier:

    It is difficult to understand the implications of the suggested reorganization based on the description provided here, specifically with regards to item 5 in the initial design section.  Is it possible to look at the change in a development version of SNOMED?  This would help us understand and provide feedback and consent for the proposed changes.


    More simply put, would you be able to walk us through the process in a development environment (in the next mtg to discuss) so we are understand what is going on?

    It is not clear what is happening when we study the document.

    1. I think it would be appropriate for the project group to define what is meant by "Inadequate intake".  I had been working on the assumption that it meant an insufficiency of introduction of the nutrient into the body, and did not imply anything about absorption or ability to metabolize.

      As for the before and after view:



      For example, the top level hierarchy under "Nutritional finding"



  4. To respond to the topic of "Inadequate intake", it is defined in NCPT as follows:

    X=a specific nutrient

    Inadequate X intake


    Lower X intake compared to established reference standards or recommendations based on physiological needs

  5. Also, some additional input:

    The point about the group discussing what is 'inadequate intake' is a concept that needs to be clarified. The phrasing and the layout do not clarify the previously posted question (If an inadequate intake finding is due to inadequate intake and/or inadequate absorption and/or metabolism, does this necessitate separation these as term concepts when a disorder is not evident?) , but a discussion by the group might. 


    Right now, our 'inadequate intake' (also excessive) diagnoses do include those that have 'normal' requirements but do not get enough (through all routes) as well as those who may have 'higher' (or 'lower') requirements because of malabsorption/metabolism issues.


    Related to the hierarchy, is there a reason that there are categories for composition of EN and PN, but not administration of EN and PN (perhaps these are somewhere else)? Also, where do NCPT behavior-environment diagnoses fall, these do not seem to fit in this proposed hierarchy.

    1. The primary reason a concept would be missing is that it has not been requested.  This is part of the gap analysis that needs to be done and the gaps filled as appropriate.

      As for behavioral findings, there is another area of the terminology where these can be located (i.e. under 844005 |Behavior finding (finding)|)

    2. Route of administration would be under (regime/therapy)  the tube itself is a (device)

  6. As a nurse I would view intake as the introduction, whether by eating/drinking or feeding pump and absorption/malabsorption the process by which it is utilised or not from the gastrointestinal tract or parenteral circulation.  So it would seem necessary to consider both issues contributing to nutrition/malnutrition 

  7. SNOMED definitions doc contains the definitions that have been requested.

    Thank you.

    1. Any comments to the definitions provided as we prepare for the next meeting this coming Monday would be appreciated.

  8. I've just uploaded the "workplan" document with my comments, but I can see that Bill Swan also did the same. So now there are two new documents with comments.

    Tina, can you work with that, or should we do something else right now?

  9. All, I will merge the docs submitted by Bill and Luise and upload as a merged document in the next few days. Thank you. 

  10. Hello, all.

    The workplan has been cleaned up, and am posting here.

    Based on our discussion/mtg on August 20th, this workplan will be submitted for approval by SNOMED. 

    Many thanks go out to all who have taken much time to provide input and comments!

    Thank you so much! Tina Papoutsakis