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Thursday, October 22, 2020

2nd Thursday of every month 
Time: 18:30 UTC


Discussion items

0Reminder to record call

Welcome and role call

  • Welcome and roll call


Allergy to animal

  • Proposal for alternate model of Allergy to animal

  • Agreed upon model:

FSN=Allergy to animal x protein (finding)

PT=Allergy to animal x

=== 420134006 |Propensity to adverse reaction (finding)|: { 719722006 |Has realization (attribute)| = 472964009 |Allergic process (qualifier value)|, 246075003 |Causative agent (attribute)| = |Animal protein x (substance)| }

  • Animal x protein (substance) was felt to be the best causative agent for Allergy to animal x (finding) concepts. Allergen x (substance) was thought to be problematic due to a particular substance may not be an allergen in all individuals Whether a substance is an allergen is dependent upon the host response.
  • Belgium and Netherlands to create CRS request to add 20 new Animal protein x (substance) concepts to SNOMED core
  • Feeling among group was that Allergy to animal x dander concepts are not clinically useful as avoidance would be focused on the animal itself rather than a part of the animal and most would not recognize a specific source from which the actual allergen is derived. In addition, the same allergenic protein may be found in several different sources.
  • Allergy to x dander concepts are likely in use because SNOMED does not have Allergy to animal x [protein] (finding) concepts.
  • Bruce Goldberg to send Cathy Richardson a request to discuss with CMAG to inactivate Allergy to animal x dander (finding) concepts and replace with new Allergy to animal x [protein] (finding) concepts.
3Allergy implementation guide
  • Plan presentation to member forum 10 November 2020 20:00 UTC Zoom details to follow
  • Due to 2 key members of the implementation guide project not being able to attend today's call and a 3rd dropping off before this topic could be discussed, Bruce Goldberg will send out a poll for another meeting in the next few weeks prior to the November 10 MF presentation.
  • AOB

Meeting Files

  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy to animals alternate model (2).pptx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy to animals alternate model.pptx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Drugs_allergyto_to create_SIG20190906.xlsx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Other_allergyto_to create_SIG20190906.xlsx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet AnimalSubstances_SIG20190906.xlsx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet allergens for SIG (partial)_20190802.xlsx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy to animals.pptx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet DHD - Losse Allergenenlijst - Snomed.xlsx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy_Intolerance CRG bullet points.pptx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy SNOMED on FHIR.pptx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy to combination products, stereoisomers, bases.pptx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy to living organisms.pptx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document Feedback from FDB re retiring of substance groupers.docx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
PDF File EHR_Editorial Annals of Allergy 6-2016.pdf 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document SNOMED on FHIR.docx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Alpha-gal allergy.pptx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
PDF File HL7_XPARADIGM_ALLERGY_VS_R1_INFORM_2018AUG.pdf 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet HL7_XPARADIGM_ALLERGY_VS_R1_I2_2018 May ALLERGY SUBSTANCES.xlsx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
ZIP Archive 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
PDF File Drug+Allergy.pdf 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Registratie allergieen en bijwerkingen AIOS dag Utrecht 1-11-2019.pptx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Pirson_Not_In_CSCT.xlsx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergen components.pptx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Text File Re Recording allergies in prescribing system.txt 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document Allergy project plan for 2019.docx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document Allergy definition query for MSAC.docx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
PDF File Drug-Book-web.pdf 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
PDF File nihms371252.pdf 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document Allergy Guide 20160112.docx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Anaphylaxis Mueller grades.pptx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
PNG File image2019-12-10_16-5-31.png 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
PNG File image2019-12-10_16-4-12.png 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
PNG File image2019-12-10_15-29-28.png 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
PNG File image2019-12-10_15-28-40.png 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Allergy to substance verification.xlsx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document Briefing note - Changes to the modeling of hypersensitivity_allergy and pseudoallergy content_final.docx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Redesigning the allergy module of the electronic health 8-9-2018.pptx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy update.pptx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
ZIP Archive Allergy to 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy Adverse reaction to substances products v2.pptx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document Contrast media.docx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document 373266007 Anesthetic (substance) identifiy.docx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy Adverse reaction to substances products .pptx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document AllergyIntolerance Binding-v15-20200409_233911.docx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Pollens_allergyto_to create_SIG20190906.xlsx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Foods_allergyto_to create_SIG20190906.xlsx 2020-Oct-22 by Bruce Goldberg

Previous Meetings

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1 Comment

  1. Based on the majority availability esp. those original members of the implementation SIG, I scheduled a call for this Friday October 30, 1:00 -2:00PM PDT (20:00 - 21:00 UTC)

    Zoom Details

    Meeting ID: 934-143-312

    International numbers available: