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Thursday, December 10, 2020

2nd Thursday of every month 
Time: 18:30 UTC


  • To begin review, revision and completion of the allergy implementation guide

Discussion items

0Reminder to record call

Welcome and role call

  • Welcome and roll call

    • 3 new members


Allergy to organism

  • Feedback from CMAG

  • Question posed as to whether existing allergy to animal source concepts (e.g. dander) should be inactivated with new allergy to animal protein concepts created vs. renaming existing content
    • Group felt that allergy to animal protein was significantly different in meaning to allergy to animal part and thus inactivation and creating new concepts is preferred.

  • Additional discussion required for
    • Allergy to other animal parts such as feathers 
    • Allergy to edible animals
      • It was brought up that animals considered as pets in some countries may be eaten in other countries 
    • Allergy to plants (entire plant vs. seeds, fruit, pollen, etc.)
  • Bruce Goldbergto prepare a list of common animal allergies (e.g. cat, dog) in order to finalize proposal
3Allergy implementation guide
  • Feedback from member forum presentation
    • There was agreement from several member countries to work together with our CRG to develop use cases that would be used for a proposal to seek approval from the management team. I have posted the recording below:

      The recording will be played back for the Asia-Pacific members of the MF on November 12.

  • It was pointed out that there are existing use cases in the implementation guide.
    • Review of these use cases was started
  • Kin-Wah Fung suggested that we work with member countries that have existing or pending projects (e.g. Belgium and Portugal) to determine how our guidance can assist them and to develop additional use cases 
  • Kin-Wah Fung also suggested we work aggressively to complete the document by assigning individuals areas to work on with deliverables.
  • AOB

Meeting Files

  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy to animal follow-up from CMAG.pptx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Drugs_allergyto_to create_SIG20190906.xlsx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Other_allergyto_to create_SIG20190906.xlsx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet AnimalSubstances_SIG20190906.xlsx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet allergens for SIG (partial)_20190802.xlsx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy to animals.pptx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet DHD - Losse Allergenenlijst - Snomed.xlsx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy_Intolerance CRG bullet points.pptx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy SNOMED on FHIR.pptx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy to combination products, stereoisomers, bases.pptx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy to living organisms.pptx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document Feedback from FDB re retiring of substance groupers.docx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
PDF File EHR_Editorial Annals of Allergy 6-2016.pdf 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document SNOMED on FHIR.docx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Alpha-gal allergy.pptx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
PDF File HL7_XPARADIGM_ALLERGY_VS_R1_INFORM_2018AUG.pdf 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet HL7_XPARADIGM_ALLERGY_VS_R1_I2_2018 May ALLERGY SUBSTANCES.xlsx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
ZIP Archive 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
PDF File Drug+Allergy.pdf 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Registratie allergieen en bijwerkingen AIOS dag Utrecht 1-11-2019.pptx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Pirson_Not_In_CSCT.xlsx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergen components.pptx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Text File Re Recording allergies in prescribing system.txt 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document Allergy project plan for 2019.docx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document Allergy definition query for MSAC.docx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
PDF File Drug-Book-web.pdf 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
PDF File nihms371252.pdf 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document Allergy Guide 20160112.docx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Anaphylaxis Mueller grades.pptx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
PNG File image2019-12-10_16-5-31.png 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
PNG File image2019-12-10_16-4-12.png 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
PNG File image2019-12-10_15-29-28.png 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
PNG File image2019-12-10_15-28-40.png 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Allergy to substance verification.xlsx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document Briefing note - Changes to the modeling of hypersensitivity_allergy and pseudoallergy content_final.docx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Redesigning the allergy module of the electronic health 8-9-2018.pptx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy update.pptx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
ZIP Archive Allergy to 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy Adverse reaction to substances products v2.pptx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document Contrast media.docx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document 373266007 Anesthetic (substance) identifiy.docx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy Adverse reaction to substances products .pptx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document AllergyIntolerance Binding-v15-20200409_233911.docx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Pollens_allergyto_to create_SIG20190906.xlsx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Foods_allergyto_to create_SIG20190906.xlsx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy to animals alternate model (2).pptx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy to animals alternate model.pptx 2020-Dec-10 by Bruce Goldberg

Previous Meetings

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