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Overview of SHR project with reference to allergens

Creation of a consistent and clinically useful structure within the drug allergy disorder hierarchy in SCT

Clinical building blocs & allergies

Do we want to formally meet in Bratislava?

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  1. I have added a file to documents giving some examples of potential modifications to the drug allergy disorder hierarchy in SCT.

  2. I realized I will be away on the second Thursday in September. I thus scheduled the next meeting for the first Thursday (Sept. 7). I hope this is OK with everyone.



  3. It appears that a meeting slot for this CRG at the October business meeting in Bratislava has been scheduled. At our last call, it did not seem that most members of this group would be attending the meeting. Once again, can you please respond ASAP on this page whether you plan to attend the October meeting. If we don't have a quorum, I will cancel the reserved slot.
