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a preliminary agenda is posted. Please let me know of any requested changes or additions by March 28.

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document Preliminary agenda.docx 2017-Mar-08 by Mark Jurkovich
Microsoft Word Document agenda table format 4.14.17 v1.docx 2017-Apr-14 by Mark Jurkovich
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Additional submissions.xlsx 2017-Apr-17 by Mark Jurkovich
Microsoft Word Document Caries modeling discussion from emails 4.17.17 v1.docx 2017-Apr-17 by Mark Jurkovich
Microsoft Word Document final agenda table format.docx 2017-Apr-17 by Mark Jurkovich
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Periodontal terms clarification.xlsx 2017-Apr-17 by Mark Jurkovich
Microsoft Word Document HIE write up for agenda item 9 4.17.17 v1.docx 2017-Apr-17 by Mark Jurkovich


  1. There has been a request to add a discussion about how ICDAS terms can be incorporated into our current caries structure.  In addition, there may be a few periodontal terms that need some changes to conform to current usage.  Unless there is an issue with these changes, they will be added to the agenda at the time we are reviewing the submission requests that the editors have not already approved.

  2. I continue to receive comments and ideas that need or would benefit from further input from the  SIG/ Dental experts.  This is unquestionably the most feedback I have received for a meeting since we first began the SIG.  I  have added a number of items to our preliminary agenda and believe we may very well run out of time. As we develop a better understanding and more expertise, it is apparent that we both recognize issues and can better plan to take advantage of the power of SNOMED.

    Please review the revised agenda and provide any further comments by April 3.  At that point,I will finalize an agenda (subject, of course, to change at the meeting by a majority) and work to get sound background information out for everyone, relative to the agenda.

  3. A new agenda has been posted.  This will be the document we work from in London, pending any changes made on site at the beginning of the meeting.  A few support documents for review prior to the meeting still need to be posted to Confluence.  It is anticipated that these will be posted not later than Wednesday, April 19, end of day, USA Central time zone.